Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is the process of falling in love involves and how long it lasts for most couples?

what is the process of falling in love involves and how long it lasts for most couples

thank youWhat is the process of falling in love involves and how long it lasts for most couples?
love has no process , it is an chemical reaction and a physical action. it can last for life if you choose the right person and can break in within 24 hrs when you understand that your loved one is not whom you had wanted. it takes at least one day as the chemical reaction stimulates the mind.What is the process of falling in love involves and how long it lasts for most couples?
love doesnt happen in a process. or maybe it does, u meet someone, u get to know them, and then u like them, then u love them. but the duration of it is unknown. u could have just made ur self believe that u were in love, then one day u arent, or maybe u can love that person forever. it really depends on how u look at it. good luck
Ah, now THIS is a loaded question. There is no specific process, like a scientific procedure you go through. There are as many processes as there are people. It is an individual experience and so is the length. It also depends on your definition of ';love';. Some people fall in ';lust'; or love at first sight, based on physicality. That generally lasts as long as it takes for them to find someone else to lust after. Love takes time and patience and the realization that there is no ';perfect'; person, just people who respect you and with whom you enjoy spending time, both in and out of the bedroom.
i read that its a temporary involuntary emotional high it gives us the perception that our ';other'; is made for u and that your love can conqure all the only desire u have is to make the other one happyan dwould be willing to give up anything for the benefit of our lover we also belive they love us as much as we love them this europhic feeling usually last2 years during this time there usually is no personal groth cause we feel we have arrived or as happy as need be

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