Saturday, January 23, 2010

'couples with marriage problems should always turn to religious community' why?

give reasons and evidence for u answers and give and show thoughts of more than one point of view

plz be very very detailled and use diffrent religious beliefs

the best answer gets 10points!

i will be waiting..'couples with marriage problems should always turn to religious community' why?
I aint telling until I see the points first !'couples with marriage problems should always turn to religious community' why?
I don't know you tell me why. I am a married women with a son. I have had a lot of problems with my husband once our son arrived. We did not turn to religion, we turned to counselling, which has helped us a great deal, one year later we don't have the same troubles anymore. In fact, my husband and I like to watch Richard Dawkins speak, we like to analyse why people belief in a higher being if there is even one at all. To answer your question, I don't think married couples ';should'; do anything if they don't want to. However, some couples do turn to religion because it gives them hope, they have their faith that holds them together, lack of education maybe, want to join volunteer groups, make more friends, have something to do that they can share in together and they do not have any other creative ideas on what to do together so church seems like the safest bet.

Those are a few reasons why some couples may turn to religion.
Well, I am not conversant with other religious beliefs, sorry. So, for this issue, I will stay with the bible as a Christian that I am. The application of secular counseling in marrital conflicts could be complicating, confusing, and counterproductive, because of the word's diverse cultures plus the differences, and sometimes conflicting, experiences and personal philosophies of both amateur and professional counselor. Talking about the world's diverse cultures, take Nigeria for example. Women in this West African country are naturally made to endure the ';sins'; committed by their husbands, even if it has to do with a clear case of unfaithfully by the man. Here, the man can go out partying for an entire night while the woman stays awake for the night so that she could serve ';her lord'; with food whenever he is comes back home. And to cap it all, she wouldn't dare raise a voice to enquire from the husband why he stayed out so late. You and I know that these cannot happen in the American culture where a woman can move past a man to do her own thing in her own way, even if it is her husband of 30 years.

Interestingly, still in one country - let's say the U.S - it is possible for a particular marriage problem to get varied and even conflicting advice from different marriage counselors! This shouldn't be any suprise, however, because these counselors rely on their personal experiences and philosophies which of course shape their interpretations of issues and personalities involved in conflicts.

Now, having said all that, I personally view ';religious community'; as being the perfect way out for marriage problems. The bible, for instance, is not ambigous or bias, and does not contain double speak when addressing marriage and its attendant problems. The same bible that tells a woman to submit to her husband, also admonishes the husband to love his wife. The bible frowns at unfaithful both partners, and totally reject divorce. Finally, a man and a woman that belongs to the faith, wouldn't mind relying on the bible as their constitution, for easy reference during difficult moments. Moreso, a clergy handling marriage dispute would also rely much on it than personal experiences and philosophy.
I disagree. Some people aren't religious, so find no comfort in something they do not believe in. I feel a marriage with problems can only be fixed by the two people that are in it. Without BOTH of them willing to compromise and find a common ground they can both be happy with, then the effort is doomed from the start. No outside force can make them want to fix their marriage, that starts with them.
Though this is stated, I do not agree. Been there done that. The religious community regardless of relgious beliefs wants married couples to stay together no matter what.. But how can one in my case a catholic priest who is not allowed to marry tell me to stay with an abusive man? Im now divorced and have been ex communicated from the church because of it... God loves us regardless of what we do right?? Then how come it was ok to ban me from my church because I divorced?
Priests are not marriage counselors or psychologists. They study theology and briefly will study general physiology, nothing to help them handle marriage problems. All they're able to say is ';pray the Lord'....sorry I did pray the Lord for years and that didn't make my husband stop being violent.

Use different religion beliefs? sorry again, I have enough trying to understand my own religion, I don't have time to study other religion point of view on marriage.
I dont think every people turn to religious community if i were havin proplems with my marriage i wouldnt go to any thing like that and i have got beleaves and that but i wouldnt do that maybe some people are in to it but it wouldnt be for me
I don't agree. I think marriage is a lot of work and sometimes couples need help. That doesn't mean they need religion. They may need counseling.
I disagree. I think people with problems should look to reality to solve them, not to some imaginary friends.
Religious leader want to entrap and control people to keep their financial boat afloat any way they can.
That's a load of crap.


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