Thursday, January 21, 2010

How many parents have taken pic of your kids playing in bathtub? In Az, CPS took a couples kids after pic were?

developed at a local Wal-Mart. My question is, should that have been done? To read story go to AZ Family.comHow many parents have taken pic of your kids playing in bathtub? In Az, CPS took a couples kids after pic were?
I was shocked when I saw this story on the news!! It's unfortunate it made the news... I think it will lead to parents freaking out and changing when/how they take photos! This is such a strange situation... the media cause us to think it will happen to all of us. I just don't think it will.

I don't think there was anything wrong with the pictures they took! The Wal-Mart worker should have developed the pictures and that's it. I'm sure he's developed a lot of pics of bare breasts, scadly dressed women and rude bachelor party pics... could those be reported as porn or inappropriate?!

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