Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why does couples close eyes in kissing?

is there a certain age that don't close your eyes no more or will it go on and on and on forever that way.Why does couples close eyes in kissing?
It goes on forever. It's kind of a reaction and it just makes it more passionateWhy does couples close eyes in kissing?
It will be that way as long as you live...I think it's partially a natural human reaction in order to enjoy the moment more, and partially a natural human reaction to avoid getting your eyes crossed.
Well just think about this-if you keep your eyes open looking at the person while kissing them,you'd have your eyes crossed and that's not cute-at all.
you are too close to focus and closing your eyes makes it a different experience. you have things in your head you can enjoy instead
i always believed: never trust a guy who kisses with their eyes open!

They just want to enjoy only .

Don't care and don't see others .

Bor Hor Hor !
My girlfiend is ugly and I don't want to look.

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