Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can a test tube baby be created by 24 couples taking a chromosome from each as a population control measure?

It is not 24 but 23 because there are only 46 i.e. 23 pairs of chromosomes in each and every diploid cell of our body. Your idea is a good one but it has to be considered right by the ethical society, as all the human beings generally earn to live basically a sexual perpetuation!Can a test tube baby be created by 24 couples taking a chromosome from each as a population control measure?
No, we dont have the science to do that yet and probably will never have it.


  1. A very well written article Quite informative .test tube baby is a boon for many infertile couples I found ore info and consultation on this when i visited this site this is very useful

  2. hi, its really a great feeling to become a mom whether its normal or by a test tube baby process.
