Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who is better to see for couples therapy, clinical social worker or clinical psychologist?

mine is a clinical social worker. she is could because she not only analyzes your situation (like a psychologist) but wants to teach you ways of acting like you should in your personal life. teaches me ways of dealing with things and ways of teaching me to change my ways of looking at things.Who is better to see for couples therapy, clinical social worker or clinical psychologist?
I don't think their background matters as much as finding the person you can connect with. Pretty much anyone who has had training and is state certified is qualified. Just call and talk with a few people and see who fits. If you start with someone and it isn't working, try someone else.Who is better to see for couples therapy, clinical social worker or clinical psychologist?
Psychologist; more experienced, more school, better choice all around. I saw both a social worker and a psychologist for depression. The social worker was a complete joke when it came to helping me, the psychologist, a Godsend.

But the choice is yours, this is only my opinion.
Cheapest for couple
It's not so much their title as their training. I have found that too many social workers (MSWs) have had their training at SW school that is dominated by Freudian ideas. Even so, I would say your best bet is someone who has actually taken coursework and had supervision in marital therapy.

Marital therapy/couples therapy as well as family therapy are specialized types of counseling, and the professional who conducts it needs to have had that specialized training.

Some cognitive therapists are also trained in MarTherapy and FamTherapy, especially Adlerians, since it was Dr. Alfred Adler who created them as specialized forms of therapy. See http://www.lifecourseinstitute.com for more about Adler and his major concepts.

-- Dr. Bob, Adlerian Psychologist

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