Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Question for married couples who have had at least their first anniversary?

have you ever just wanted to watch your wedding video for your anniversary (if you have one of course)Question for married couples who have had at least their first anniversary?
Yes my husband and I have been married for twelve years. I think it is romantic. Stay home, nice romantic meal, watch your wedding video. And the night becomes one you can remember again next year. Hope this helps. And Congrats hope yall have many more.Question for married couples who have had at least their first anniversary?
No. We are the sum of all our shared yesterdays, but anniversarys are to celebrate the past and the future, to try something new. It's our 20th anniversary this year. As the years pass, it gets too sad as many friends you see on the video have passed away.
I just celebrated my 18th wedding anniversary. We used to watch our wedding video on our anniversaries, it was fun. But unfortunately, we were robbed and of all things they took the video of our wedding!! So now I have a grainy copy. But at least I have a copy.
Totally the best way to do it!!! After my husband and I watched out video, we got out the cake, and just smashed it all over us, the ';clean up';, was the best part!!!!!

:-) !!!!!!

The Video containing our wedding is included in Harley Davidson Thunder in The Glens Rally 2001
Sir no one can not watch the VIDEO in there anniversary

becasse just Iam married before 17 month's
yes, mine could win America's funniest home video .
yes, we did actually, it was lovely
why not. but if I am in the mood. my wife would love to watch it anytime.

we prefer to look to the future rather than the past

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