Thursday, May 13, 2010

What can you say about Christian couples getting divorced and remarried?

My husband is Roman Catholic. I am Episcopalian. My husband got married when he was 18 years old to a girl that he was in love with. Unfortunately, she wanted the wedding and not the marriage and let him clearly know that shortly after they got married. He tried to do the right thing and make it work, but one night when he had to work, she took the money and the car and drove back to her parents house and said she wanted a divorce. My husband was extremely hurt by it and filed for divorce after they had been married for one month.

I married my husband about a 9 months after his divorce was final (we had dated in the past before his first wife) and he has been the best husband and father I could ever ask for and we've been going 4 1/2 years with our marriage now. I don't ever fault him for his divorce because he tried his hardest to make it work even if it was making him miserable at times trying to keep her happy. In my opinion, I don't think God was disappointed or upset with him because he was divorced, he did try everything.but he couldnt make his wife love him and when she is demanding a divorce, then what can you do?What can you say about Christian couples getting divorced and remarried?
People like those are total hypocrites. They keep telling and preaching to other people that marriage is sacred and shouldn't have its sanctity taken away by abusing it blah blah blah but if THEY get married then get divorced then get re-married to each other, it's fine. So not only is this a matter of hypocrisy but they also set a double standard.What can you say about Christian couples getting divorced and remarried?
I believe '; till death tears us apart'; is forced to be said by religion and not practical. That's why they forget their words they believe they have said in front of God. Religion is not practical, it's fiction
What you can say is nothing. This is their business. I know what you are thinking with the Christians your not suppose to divorce much less remarry. The way I see it. God is a loving God and doesn't wish for us to be miserable for the rest of our life's. He also knows we will all make mistakes and God is willing to forgive us for them. So why is it everyone thinks there is only certain mistakes we can make and be forgiven. God doesn't state that at all. I believe God would want us to try and make that commitment work but I also believe that God had rather me be with someone that I love and that loves me then be with someone that we are not happy with. I also believe you can't fool God, meaning acting as if you are happy with someone when you are not. So what I would say TO this couple is Great for you...You were smart enough to know when something is not right for you and are moving on to make things right.!!!
I don't think divorce is one of God's plans for our lives...but then again, we are forgiven from all sins...
Christianity as it is explained in the Bible, does not allow divorce or remarraige. Hence, these divorced-remarrying people you talk about are not Christians, and so they can do whatever they like in a Christian country. But if they continue to call themselves Christians, they are like 99% of Christians: they are ignorant of what their religion requires of them. All those Christian priests who allow divorce and remarriage (about 99%) are traitorous devils in the eyes of God. They are going to hell. There will be gnashing of teeth and wailing. If they have no teeth, teeth will be provided.

This is the same situation concerning homosexuality. Christians cannot allow homosexuality because the Bible states unambiguously that homsexuality is a sin. It's not a Christian sin to be a Christian and a non-practising homosexual. It's a sin only if it is practised. All those alleged Christian priests who accept practising homosexuals into their Churches, are traitorous devils in the eyes of God. They are going to hell. There will be gnashing, etc., etc., (See reference to teeth, above.)

If a person is not a Christian, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality in a Christian country. Go for it. But, please, even though homosexuals cannot get pregnant, (not yet), do use condoms.
Christian couples can make mistakes too. I would say it depends on why they are getting a affair v. ';not being in love anymore';. If one spouse cheated, I would say that a divorce is justified. However, Christians are also taught that God is forgiving and that we should be too. If they got married too young and have grown apart, that can happen to anyone regardless of religious denomination. I think they should try to make it work though. If they divorce and get remarried, I think that is okay. I just wouldn't make it a habit.
Hope the 2nd marriage works out unlike that first hellish one that didn't.
If I were you, I'd worry more about what you do, and less about what other people do.

good for them..they are trying to find happiness in their relationships.
Christians are just people, and we make mistakes like anyone, and sometimes we get divorced. divorce is not the unforgivable sin, and even God is divorced. He divorced Israel for spiritual adultery. things happen. you repent and move on, and if that means you find another then live and be happy. see the flaw in some people's thinking is it is written once married to sleep with another is adultery. the problem is when you repent, sins are blotted out. once you repent of the first marriage it is wiped clean and never existed, and you are then free of that sin, and are free to go on with life, including remarriage if you want.
Did they remarry each other?

I don't think anyone should stay in a marriage that's not salvageable. That's pretty masochistic. However, I don't think divorce is the quick answer, it should be undertaken only if all other efforts fail to bring about a marriage that is supportive and fair to both parties.

As far as remarriage, why not? There is precious little in the world other than love that provides a certain amount of comfort between people. Some seem to thrive better in marriages than others. I don't think we can judge them based on our values or religions. IT's hard enough to monitor my own failings let alone look for failings in others!
What God puts together no man can take apart. Its in the bible. also Jesus speaks on it in Matthew chapter 5 verses31-32 in so much words it means that a divorce is OK if your partner commits adultery. But as a christian who follows the word should know there is no such thing as getting a divorce for unrecognizable differences or for any other man made law.
What are you saying? That christian couples are different than anyone else? Why would you put yourself in a different class than anyone else?

I really hate it when people use religion to justify their own needs and then chastise others because they have different opinion or religous beliefs.
i don't think christian is different with others.

they are just human. they can love and hate.
If you want the Biblical perspective, according to the Bible the ONLY reason you can remarry is if your spouse cheats on you or dies. That's IT.

If you don't want the Biblical perspective, I have no idea what answer you're searching for.

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